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Is there a way to add multiple sponsored entity registration data using a file

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Yes, there is a way to add multiple sponsored entity registration data using a file. Sponsoring entities have the option to upload an XML file containing registration data for multiple sponsored entities. This process is facilitated through the FATCA Online Registration System.

To add multiple sponsored entities using a file upload, the sponsoring entity must follow these steps:

  1. Create the XML File:
    • Users unfamiliar with XML can use the FATCA Registration Sponsored Entity Data Preparation Tool to create the XML file. Instructions and the tool can be found on the Information for Adding Multiple Sponsored Entities Using a File Upload page.
    • Users familiar with XML can create the XML file by following the instructions provided in Appendix D of the user guide or on the FATCA website.
  2. Log into the FATCA Account:
    • The sponsoring entity must log into their FATCA account and select the "Manage Sponsored Entities" link under "Your Information" on the home page. This link is available when the sponsoring entity’s account is in approved status.
  3. Upload the XML File:
    • On the "Manage Sponsored Entities" page, click the "browse" button to locate the XML file on the computer. Select the file and click "open".
    • Ensure the XML file name meets the requirements: it must be 250 characters or less, contain valid characters (letters, numbers, and underscores), have no blank spaces, and have the ".xml" extension.
    • Click the "upload" button to begin the upload process. A pop-up message will notify that the upload may take some time. Click "OK" to proceed with the upload.
  4. Processing the File:
    • If the file contains errors, it will not be accepted, and an error message will display with additional information. A message will also be posted to the message board with details about the error.
    • If the file is accepted, a confirmation page will display with a confirmation number, and a message will be posted to the message board with the confirmation information. Allow 48 hours for the sponsored entities to be processed and added to the sponsored entity table.

If the file upload is not successful or only partially processed, the system will inform the sponsoring entity of the issue. The sponsoring entity can then check the sponsored entity table to determine which records were successfully processed and upload a new file containing only the records that were not added.

This process allows sponsoring entities to efficiently manage the registration of multiple sponsored entities and sponsored subsidiary branches.

Publication 5118 (07/2021)
Notice 2013-69

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