We're continuously delighted to witness the enthusiastic adoption and engagement with Blue J! We've now well surpassed answering 100,000 tax research questions in 2024 since we wrote this blog post. To celebrate the milestone, we wanted to share 3 insights from the tremendous feedback we continue to receive from our users every day:

1.Better prompting = better results
Since Blue J launched in 2023, we’ve worked very closely with our users to better understand the ways they prompt Blue J and receive responses. We’ve tuned our algorithm to respond to the ways they expect to have their questions answered, and our Customer Success team has continued to build out our prompt training and education program. Our users are consistently expressing interest in Blue J handling different use cases, and we continue to iterate on our algorithm to handle the wide breadth of tax research our users want access to.
A common theme we hear with new users to Blue J is “this tool is excellent, but I’m not sure how to prompt it” This is a reasonable reaction given how new generative AI technology is - it doesn’t use a traditional boolean keyword search (like traditional search engines), and won’t respond as well to old search techniques. Our Customer Success team works very closely with our users to share best practices and provide guidance on how to get the best results from Blue J. The responsiveness of our team helps users adapt quickly and within a few minutes users are naturally asking questions in a conversational style and experiencing our market-leading results.
2.Conversation is powerful
Once a new user is active on Blue J with effective initial research prompts, we encourage them to go deeper with their research using Blue J’s conversational capabilities. This is powerful to unlock as you can ask it to expand on topics you expected more detail on in the initial response. We’ve seen fantastic results and engagement because Blue J follows the natural conversational pattern users expect today, and it quickly becomes second nature to them.
Having a conversation with Blue J is particularly great because it also unlocks the expedited drafting capabilities of the platform. Users are able to ask for bullet points, a research memo, or a brief client email — and Blue J generates it in seconds. We learned these use cases were not always immediately obvious to users so we added “quick generate” buttons for rapid creation of memos, emails, and summaries of sources - all in service of making your research and drafting more efficient.
3.Generative AI is helpful regardless of years of experience
It’s been wonderful to hear from users of all levels of experience the impact generative AI has had on their work. For tax experts early in their careers, we’ve heard how Blue J has been helpful in getting them up to speed in areas of tax that they may not have worked in yet. In response to this feedback we added “suggested questions” after a research question to give tax experts some ideas about what they may want to ask next to better orient on a topic.
Similarly, more senior practitioners have shared stories of being called in to urgent client matters where they have to quickly get up to speed on the situation. They may have some idea of how to support the situation from their previous experience, but want a quick check to confirm their intuition. Blue J helps them o get re-oriented on rules and implications in real time, allowing them to rapidly respond to client inquiries and move forward with the strategic work to go deeper into the analysis. We’ve had senior practitioners share that they’ve done this on calls in real time, and it’s instilled a tremendous level of confidence in their services from their clients.
There’s so much more to learn
We are constantly learning from our customers as their needs and practices evolve, and are excited to share more insights as we continue to support the growth of the leading generative AI solution on the market! What is most exciting about this technology is that the main limitation tends to be your imagination and we are inspired and energized every day by customers that share their success on Blue J with us.
Thank you to all of our thousands of users and amazing clients using Blue J every day to make their tax research more efficient - here’s to the next 100,000 questions.
To learn more about the transformational impact of Blue J to your practice, speak to one of our experts.

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