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Why was my transfer request cancelled or expired by the system

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Your transfer request could have been cancelled or expired by the system for several reasons:

  1. Registration Status Change: If either your registration status or the new lead’s registration status changed to a status that does not allow transfers, the system would cancel the transfer request.
  2. Maximum Number of Members: If the expanded affiliated group (EAG) has reached the maximum number of members allowed, the transfer request would be cancelled.
  3. Acceptance Deadline: If the lead did not accept the transfer within 45 days of its origination, the transfer request would expire.
  4. Finalization Deadline: If you did not finalize the transfer within 45 days of the lead’s acceptance, the transfer request would expire.
  5. System Issues: A system failure or outage on either side of the IRS-IDES connection could lead to the failure to download the transmission, which might indirectly affect the transfer request.
  6. Virus or File Issues: If the transmission packet failed a virus scan, contained additional files, subfolders, or was not properly formatted or signed, it could be rejected, leading to the cancellation of the transfer request.
  7. SOAP Envelope Validation: If the transmission file fails SOAP envelope validation, the entire transmission, including all returns, is rejected, which could result in the cancellation of the transfer request.
  8. Transmission Acknowledgement: If the transmission is rejected, there will only be a transmission acknowledgement, which might indicate the cancellation of the transfer request.

These reasons collectively cover the various scenarios under which a transfer request might be cancelled or expired by the system.

Publication 5190 (2/2022)
Publication 1187 (9/2023)
Publication 4164 (10/2023)
Publication 5118 (07/2021)

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