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What is the active business participation standard for section 179?

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The active business participation standard for section 179 is defined through a combination of requirements and examples provided in the Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations, specifically focusing on the need for meaningful participation in the management or operations of a trade or business. This standard is crucial for determining eligibility for the section 179 expense deduction, which allows taxpayers to elect to expense the cost of certain depreciable business assets.

Active Conduct Requirement:

The active conduct requirement under section 179 is designed to prevent passive investors from deducting section 179 expenses against taxable income derived from a trade or business. A taxpayer is generally considered to actively conduct a trade or business if they meaningfully participate in the management or operations of the trade or business. This includes making decisions related to the business, participating in its operations, and being involved in its management. For partnerships, a partner is considered to actively conduct the trade or business if they meaningfully participate in its management or operations.

Meaningful Participation:

Meaningful participation is a key aspect of the active business participation standard. It implies that the taxpayer must be involved in the significant management or operational decisions of the trade or business. Passive investment does not qualify as active conduct. An example provided illustrates that a salon owner who periodically meets with the manager to review business developments and approves the annual budget, while the manager handles day-to-day operations, is considered to actively conduct the business. However, merely being a passive investor in a partnership without meaningful participation in its management or operations does not meet the active conduct requirement.

Distinction from Section 469:

It is important to note that the definition of active conduct under section 179 is distinct from the material participation standard under section 469 of the Code. The active conduct standard under section 179 is specifically tailored to prevent passive investors from benefiting from the section 179 deduction, focusing on meaningful participation in the management or operations of the trade or business.In summary, the active business participation standard for section 179 requires taxpayers to meaningfully participate in the management or operations of their trade or business. This standard is designed to ensure that the section 179 expense deduction is available only to those who are actively involved in their business, as opposed to passive investors.


T.D. 8455

§ 1.179-2. Limitations on amount subject to section 179 election.

TAM 201634022

T.D. 8121

§ 1.179-1. Election to expense certain depreciable assets.

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