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What factors does the IRS consider in assessing the suitability of a U.S. MNE for ICAP

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The IRS considers several factors in assessing the suitability of a U.S. multinational enterprise (MNE) for the International Compliance Assurance Program (ICAP). These factors include:

  1. Footprint in the United States: The IRS evaluates the extent of the MNE group's presence and operations within the United States.
  2. Type and Materiality of Covered Transactions: The IRS examines the nature and significance of the MNE group's transactions in jurisdictions participating in ICAP. This includes assessing the complexity and materiality of these transactions.
  3. History of Transparent and Cooperative Engagement: The MNE group's past interactions with the IRS are considered, particularly their history of transparency and cooperation.
  4. Transfer Pricing Examination History: The IRS reviews the MNE group's history of transfer pricing examinations with both the IRS and other tax administrations participating in ICAP.
  5. Availability of IRS Resources: The IRS assesses whether it has the necessary personnel and resources to act as the lead tax administration for the MNE group.
  6. Current IRS Examination Status: While being under IRS examination does not automatically disqualify an MNE from participating in ICAP, it is a relevant factor in the decision-making process, particularly concerning the tax years and issues under examination.

These factors are evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the MNE group's suitability for ICAP. The IRS aims to ensure that the MNE group is a good fit for the program and that the necessary resources are available to conduct a thorough risk assessment.

IRM Part 4. Examining Process. Chapter 60. International Procedures. Section 11. International Compliance Assurance Program

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