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What are materiality thresholds and how are they used in CAP

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Materiality thresholds in the Compliance Assurance Process (CAP) are mutually agreed-upon amounts used as a guide for both the IRS and the taxpayer to determine which issues and transactions to review. These thresholds help streamline the examination process by focusing on significant items that could materially affect the taxpayer's financial statements and tax liability. Here’s a detailed explanation of their use and implications:

  1. Definition and Purpose:
    • Materiality thresholds are specific dollar amounts or criteria set to identify which issues and transactions warrant detailed review during the CAP.
    • They help both the IRS and the taxpayer prioritize resources and attention on significant items, ensuring that the examination process is efficient and effective.
  2. Types of Thresholds:
    • Separate thresholds are established for different categories, such as permanent items, timing items, and tax credits. This categorization ensures that all relevant aspects of the taxpayer's financial activities are appropriately considered.
  3. Mutual Agreement:
    • The thresholds are mutually agreed upon by the IRS and the taxpayer at the beginning of the CAP process. This agreement helps in setting clear expectations and reducing potential disputes during the examination.
  4. Flexibility and Exceptions:
    • While the thresholds provide a general guide, there is flexibility to discuss and review situations where exceptions to the materiality threshold may be warranted. This ensures that significant issues are not overlooked simply because they fall below the predetermined threshold.
    • The ultimate decision on identifying issues for compliance review remains within the discretion of the IRS, allowing them to address any concerns that may arise during the examination.
  5. Impact on Adjustments:
    • Materiality thresholds do not affect any adjustments needed to arrive at the corrected tax return amount on an Issue Resolution Agreement (IRA) or an adjustment to the tax return on a Form 5701 Notice of Proposed Adjustment (NOPA). This means that even if an item falls below the materiality threshold, it can still be adjusted if it is identified during the review process.
  6. Documentation and Transparency:
    • The use of materiality thresholds is documented and communicated clearly between the IRS and the taxpayer. This transparency helps in maintaining a cooperative and efficient examination process.

In summary, materiality thresholds in CAP are essential tools for focusing the examination on significant issues, ensuring efficient use of resources, and maintaining a cooperative relationship between the IRS and the taxpayer. They provide a structured approach to identifying and addressing material items while allowing flexibility to review exceptions as needed.

Rev. Proc. 2015-20
Publication 538 (01/2022)
IRM Part 4. Examining Process. Chapter 75. Exempt Organizations Examination Procedures. Section 10. Exempt Organization Pre-contact Procedures
IRM Part 4. Examining Process. Chapter 70. TE/GE Examinations. Section 13. Executing the Examination
IRM Part 4. Examining Process. Chapter 46. LB&I Examination Process. Section 3. Planning the Examination
IRM Part 4. Examining Process. Chapter 10. Examination of Returns. Section 4. Examination of Income

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