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I do not have my Letter 6419. Are there any other ways that I can find the total amount of my 2021 advance Child Tax Credit payments

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Yes, there are other ways to find the total amount of your 2021 advance Child Tax Credit payments if you do not have your Letter 6419. You can obtain this information from the following sources:

  1. The IRS's Child Tax Credit Update Portal (CTC UP): This online portal allows you to view the total amount of advance Child Tax Credit payments that were disbursed to you during 2021.
  2. Your IRS Online Account: By accessing your IRS online account, you can find detailed information about your advance Child Tax Credit payments. If you are a new user, you will need to create an account and verify your identity. If you already have an account, you can use your Secure Access username and password along with the multi-factor authentication process to log in.

Both spouses need to complete the identity authentication process to find the total amount of their 2021 advance Child Tax Credit payments if filing a joint return. If you are unable to access your account with the information provided, you can request an Account Transcript, which will cover a single tax year and may provide the necessary details.

Publication 5534 (06/2021)
Publication 4801 (2/2024)
Publication 5534-B (06/2021)
Publication 971 (12/2021)

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