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How will I be notified when I need to complete my next periodic certification

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You will be notified when you need to complete your next periodic certification through a message on your message board. This message will indicate that your periodic certification is available for completion and submission. Additionally, your homepage will display your periodic certification dates and provide a link to complete the certification.

For Financial Institutions (FIs) under a Model 1A Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA), the Responsible Officer (RO) and Point of Contact (POC) will receive an email alert when it is time to complete the next periodic certification. This email will contain instructions on how to access the FATCA Registration system to complete the certification, and the FI will need to log into the system using their FATCA ID and Access Code. The certification must be completed within the specified timeframe to remain in compliance with FATCA requirements.

Furthermore, members of an FI group will be notified if they are included in the certification. After the certification is submitted, the future certification dates of included members will be updated to match the future certification dates of the submitting FI.

Publication 5118 (07/2021)
Publication 5190 (2/2022)

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